Minimum PC Specifications
Consider a number of factors when determining the correct PC specifications for different scenarios. The Database Server usually has the highest specification requirements. Consider the following factors when specifying the Database Server:
- Number of doors (Terminals)
- Number of Tagholders supported by the System
- Number of client (Module) connections to the Database
NOTE: The number of client connections to the Database Server will affect the performance of the Database Server. Adjust the specification allowing for all client connections to perform Database tasks efficiently.
NOTE: The volume of transactions per Site affects the performance of the Database Server. Adjust the specification allowing for rapid Database growth and Reports that work with large result sets.
NOTE: This specification is for a dedicated Database Server only, without additional Software (third-party or AmanoNet Modules).
IMPORTANT: Ensure that you install all AMANONet Modules on dedicated PC’s.
Standard Software Modules (Engine, Access (including Card Designer), QuickTag, Visitor, Transaction Viewer, Alarms Client)
Optional Client Software Modules (Graphics Designer, Graphics Runtime)
Optional Server Software Modules (Impro Touch, Impro Vision)
NOTE: The number of third-party devices that are used by each optional Server affects the performance of the System. Adjust the specification to allow the optional Servers to run at an optimal level.
NOTE: The number of client connections to each optional Server affects the performance of the System.